Monday, March 15, 2010

Why Do I Even Have a Blog?!

I'm such a slacker! So, our baby is all boy! We get to see him again tomorrow. I'm super excited and have just been praying for his health. I'm sure I'll be lazy with the update, as usual.

I can't believe I'm already 18 weeks! A lot has changed, besides just my body! I lost my job, but I found another salon within an hour of being fired. The owner is crazy, and I mean crazy. I was praying for months that something would happen and I could get out of there. I didn't plan things to go the way they did, but anyone who believes in God, knows our plans aren't always His! The owner is going through a nasty divorce and she brought her drama to the salon. I was asked to write some affidavit, and refused. I didn't want to be involved with their drama. Long story short, I was let go for a different reason, but it all goes back to me not signing the affidavit. She could never say that, because she'd be in trouble. Either way, I'm working somewhere else and I'm back to being my own boss again. I've not been this happy in a long time. The salon I'm at is nothing like I prefer. It's older, small, etc. I like trendy and young, but my business isn't suffering so I can't complain!

So, I'm getting huge! I'm not really having any  major cravings besides hamburgers. I swear I eat 10 a week. I've got to change my eating habits, but there has been minor cooking going on in this house. I never make lunch ahead, mainly because I have no idea what I'd even pack. I just need to sit down and plan things out.

So, here are a few pics!!! I'll try to update later.

17 weeks:

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Sorry about the job but glad you found a new one! You look awesome! baby boy is growing!