Monday, March 9, 2009

Billy Joel and Elton John concert!

Please ignore DH and me singing along in the background. Billy Joel is performing alone here. He's amazing. I think he's also really crazy, lol. We had a great time at the show. You can tell that we had fabulous seats. This was in Charlotte and I've never seen so many people at a concert in my life. I've been to a ton of concerts, but this is the biggest arena I think I've been to. (Bobcat/Time Warner Cable Arena).

Charlotte is weird. We didn't have a bad time, but it wasn't very exciting. The concert was our obvious highlight of the weekend, but I didn't feel well most of the time. Of course, I started my period the day before we left and I was in the worst pain most of the time.

Just wanted to add a video and try this out. This is the first one I've ever posted!
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